
VIII.3.2 Pompeii. Shop. Excavated 1841? (Strada dell'Abbondanza 2).


VIII.3.2 Pompeii, on right, with VIII.3.3, centre left. December 2018.
Looking south to entrance doorways on Via dell’Abbondanza. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii, on right, with VIII.3.3, centre left. December 2018.

Looking south to entrance doorways on Via dell’Abbondanza. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. May 2005. Pilaster on east side of entrance.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. May 2005. Pilaster on east side of entrance.


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. May 2024. Looking towards entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. May 2024. Looking towards entrance doorway. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. October 2022. Looking towards rear south wall and south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. October 2022. Looking towards rear south wall and south-west corner. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance doorway, looking south. According to Fiorelli and Eschebach, this shop originally had stairs to an upper floor.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance doorway, looking south.

According to Fiorelli and Eschebach, this shop originally had stairs to an upper floor.


Via dell’Abbondanza, May 2010. Road surface between VII.9 and VIII.3.

Via dell’Abbondanza, May 2010. Road surface between VII.9 and VIII.3.

In the upper right of this photo, the three steps in the pavement outside VIII.3.2 can be seen.

According to Gell –

“At a spot in this street, on the side opposite to the Chalcidicum, may be observed three steps in the footpath, at the bottom of which, close to the wall of a house, a marble cone, ending in a sharp point, rises from the pavement to the height of about twelve inches. The house or pier adjoining is built with large and well-united blocks of stone, on one of which are the evident vestiges of a now almost illegible Oscan inscription in two lines, plastered and painted over with a sacrifice and an altar of Victory. As it seems not improbable that the ancient languages of Italy will hereafter be better understood than at present, it may be useful to give the letters as they appear, or did appear, having been carefully copied at many different periods.”


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. Drawing by Gell of three steps outside VIII.3.2, on south side of Via dell’Abbondanza.
“This pier exhibits the marks of having been worn by frequent attrition at the height of about three feet from the pavement, but how used, or for what purpose the cone was intended, is yet an enigma.”
See Gell, W, 1832. Pompeiana: Vol 1. London: Jennings and Chaplin. (p.3 and 4).

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. Drawing by Gell of three steps outside VIII.3.2, on south side of Via dell’Abbondanza.

“This pier exhibits the marks of having been worn by frequent attrition at the height of about three feet from the pavement, but how used, or for what purpose the cone was intended, is yet an enigma.”

See Gell, W, 1832. Pompeiana: Vol 1. London: Jennings and Chaplin. (p.3 and 4).


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. c.1819 sketch of Oscan inscription.
See Gell W & Gandy, J.P: Pompeii published 1819 [Dessins publiés dans l'ouvrage de Sir William Gell et John P. Gandy, Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompei, 1817-1819], pl. 68 verso.
See book in Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art [France], collections Jacques Doucet Gell Dessins 1817-1819
Use Etalab Open Licence ou Etalab Licence Ouverte

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. c.1819 sketch of Oscan inscription.

See Gell W & Gandy, J.P: Pompeii published 1819 [Dessins publiés dans l'ouvrage de Sir William Gell et John P. Gandy, Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompei, 1817-1819], pl. 68 verso.

See book in Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art [France], collections Jacques Doucet Gell Dessins 1817-1819

Use Etalab Open Licence ou Etalab Licence Ouverte


Via dell’Abbondanza, 1814 and 1825, two drawings by Gell of same Oscan inscription, seen outside VIII.3.2.
In 1832 Gell says "As it seems not improbable that the ancient languages of Italy will hereafter be better understood than at present, it may be useful to give the letters as they appear, or did appear, having been carefully copied at many different periods".
See Gell, W, 1832. Pompeiana: Vol 1. London: Jennings and Chaplin. (p.4).

Via dell’Abbondanza, 1814 and 1825, two drawings by Gell of same Oscan inscription, seen outside VIII.3.2.

In 1832 Gell says "As it seems not improbable that the ancient languages of Italy will hereafter be better understood than at present, it may be useful to give the letters as they appear, or did appear, having been carefully copied at many different periods".

See Gell, W, 1832. Pompeiana: Vol 1. London: Jennings and Chaplin. (p.4).


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. Drawing by Gell of same inscription in Via dei Mercanti (Via dell’Abbondanza), March 1827.
See Gell, W. Sketchbook of Pompeii, c.1830. 
See book from Van Der Poel Campanian Collection on Getty website http://hdl.handle.net/10020/2002m16b425

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. Drawing by Gell of same inscription in Via dei Mercanti (Via dell’Abbondanza), March 1827.

See Gell, W. Sketchbook of Pompeii, c.1830.

See book from Van Der Poel Campanian Collection on Getty website http://hdl.handle.net/10020/2002m16b425


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. 1854. Oscan inscription published in 1854 by Fiorelli.
See Fiorelli G., 1854. Monumenta Epigraphica Pompeiana. Pars Prima Inscriptionum Oscarum Apographa. Neapoli: Nobile, p. 11, n. IX.
Note: The small blank square on the right is missing on the original Tav. IX and is also missing on Fiorelli's transcription on page 11.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. 1854. Oscan inscription published in 1854 by Fiorelli.

See Fiorelli G., 1854. Monumenta Epigraphica Pompeiana. Pars Prima Inscriptionum Oscarum Apographa. Neapoli: Nobile, p. 11, n. IX.

Note: The small blank square on the right is missing on the original Tav. IX and is also missing on Fiorelli's transcription on page 11.


VIII.3.2 Pompeii. 1856. Inscription seen in the street by the Fountain of Abundance near the Forum.
Inscriptionem hanc inspicimus in platea Fontis Abundantiae prope Forum. Gellius (Pompeiana 1835, pag. 3-4).
See Fiorelli G., 1856. Monumenta Epigraphica Pompeiana. Pars Prima Inscriptionum Oscarum Apographa. Neapoli: Nobile, p. xxxiii, n. IX.

VIII.3.2 Pompeii. 1856. Inscription seen in the street by the Fountain of Abundance near the Forum.

Fiorelli: Inscriptionem hanc inspicimus in platea Fontis Abundantiae prope Forum. Gellius (Pompeiana 1835, pag. 3-4).

See Fiorelli G., 1856. Monumenta Epigraphica Pompeiana. Pars Prima Inscriptionum Oscarum Apographa. Neapoli: Nobile, p. xxxiii, n. IX.





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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 28-Jun-2024 17:44